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Odessa State Environmental University
is a multi-campus public university providing innovative undergraduate and graduate education that contributes to the development of society and the individual through harmonization of mankind-nature relations, the key national educational centre for training specialists in Environmental Science, Hydrometeorology, Management, Computer Science and Water Bio-Resources.
Provision of higher education for personnel in the fields of environmental quality monitoring and environmental control has been the main task of OSENU (founded in 1932) over quite a long period. In the field of Hydrometeorology OSENU has been training specialists for the WMO for more than 50 years. The curricula for training specialists meet all international standards and are acknowledged by the hydrometeorological services all over the world. Since 1957 the University has provided training for some 1600 specialists form more than 70 countries, including circa 150 Candidates and Doctors of Science.
Two of OSENU graduates, the IPCC members, Alioune Ndiaye and Oleg Sirotenko were among the awarded the Nobel Peace Prize (2007).
The ECOIMPACT project team at OSENU, in collaboration with the colleagues from TSNUK, KhSAU and AU – Plovdiv, is engaged in development of educational materials (short-term professional development sectoral courses) for end-users representing weather-sensitive sectors of economy (both enterprises and administration). The course of Weather Pattern Impact on the Rural Economy will relate outcomes from cutting-edge atmospheric science with sector-specific economic and societal impacts of local weather, air quality and climate.
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The Term of Study comprises: Bachelor of Science – 4 years, Master of Science – 2 years, PhD – 4 years, Doctor of Science – 2 years. The Centre for Postgraduate Studies of the University offers some thirty-five programms of short- and medium syllabi for Professional Development in title specialities and specializations for professionals from various regional organizations and services, businesses, teaching staff of other universities and the community.
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Graduates of the University are employed at various jobs at the Hydrometeorological Service, regional structures of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, the State Committee of Ukraine of Water Management, the State Hydrographical Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, the National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ukraine, other ministries, establishments and departments.
Learn moreOur Advantages
• Study at a State University that provides a wide range of unique educational programmes in the fields of Environmental and Earth Sciences
• High-quality education that meets the Standards and Guidelines of the European Higher Education Area